When heart screams louder than words!đź–¤

Scribble your inner voice....

Can you relate to the Light of a Star?

A star , itself brings a smile on the face of millions of people. Who knows may be it also has its own journey… We, yes you and me admires its shine , the way it lightens and vanishes the dark side all of around! But as much I know journey? every letter of this word is build with a lot of patience and hardships. Do we ever wonder the shine we see is more of the part of its dedication to stay constant in its journey.

Yes I am talking about a star. May be the immense glow we ...

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Friendship-Beautiful Word?

So, heard about friendship a lot! A very dreamy word, or an imaginary tie that everyone wants to have with someone in this life!The tie that understands you,loves you and cares for you endlessly!Do such thing exists? If yes,then “beautiful” is another word for ” friendship”.

So all this was the theoritical crap everyone wants to feel. Giving in a lot to the bond is all we learned about the friendship! Who says we don’t expect in friendship?whoever says actually lies to himself.

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Yes,Introverts Exist!

Right now cool word implies gelling up with strangers, bold about opinions, leaving footprints everywhere you go. Wow? Such a cool friend, Onn to everything! Sparkling life, lots of friends, daily hangouts and five star rating of instagram posts. Reverse the whole scene:

Someone into deep self introspection, talking to himself, high solitude,a real smile on face, focused and determined!

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Situations Around

Is this ever happened ? We dream so vividly seems like living it in real. Analyzing all in and out situations, just waiting it to make it real with hands of burning passion! Eyes full of dreams and light of efficient hardwork to achieve that something in your life!

Then ? A sudden push to that something if happened! Numbs the mind for a second, feels like an alien in world of situations you have never dreamed of.

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